George King

Born in Wellington, Shropshire on 23rd January 1919, Taxi driver George King had a strange experience in his London flat when he was 35. But having practised yoga since 1944, he was mentally prepared when a voice commanded him : "You are to become the voice of the interplanetary parliament". His first contact was with an alien from Venus called 'Aetherius', and out of this grew the Aetherius Society. It still thrives in many countries including Britain, the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Nigeria and Ghana. Many years ago George King vacated the damp London climate for the foothills of California.

After that initial Contact King became a direct voice medium for the extraterrestrials. One of his contacts was Jesus Christ, who apparently now resides on Venus. He claims to have met Christ on a hill where he emerged from a spacecraft; the Messiah gave him some new teachings called 'The Twelve Blessings' to pass onto Mankind.

In his book 'You are Responsible', written in the fifties, King describes a visit in an out-of-body state to Mars, where he is wounded by a dwarf with a ray gun. Later, he is commandeered to help the Martians destroy an intelligent meteorite which is attacking their space fleet. King finally defeated the sentient lump of rock 'with a weapon of love' !

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